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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 8 Dec 1998

Vol. 498 No. 1

Written Answers. - Global Marine Distress and Safety Systems.

Dinny McGinley


48 Mr. McGinley asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources the status regarding the introduction of the global marine distress and safety system in February 1999; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [26555/98]

The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) was introduced by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) on 1 February 1992, for all merchant vessels required to comply with the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention, 1974.

New vessels constructed on or after 1 February 1995 are required to comply fully with GMDSS requirements. These requirements are implemented in Ireland by means of the Merchant Shipping (Radio) Rules, 1992, S.I. No. 224 of 1992.

With effect from 1 February 1999, all merchant vessels will be required to comply fully with GMDSS requirements, which means full compliance with the Merchant Shipping (Radio) Rules, 1992.

With regard to the implications for fishing vessels, Council Directive 97/70/EC requires that specific categories of fishing vessels of 24 metres in length and over will, in accordance with Chapter IX of the Torremolinos Protocol, have to install full Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) radiocommunications equipment appropriate to their sea area of operation with effect from 1 January 1999 in respect of new fishing vessels of 24 metres in length and over and from 1 February 1999 in respect of existing fishing vessels of 45 metres in length and over. The Attorney General's office is currently settling draft regulations prepared by my Department to give legislative effect to these provisions.
For the benefit of seafarers, my Department has issued Marine Notices (Nos. 5 and 22 respectively) during the year on the subject of GMDSS, copies of which are appended for the Deputy's information.