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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 4 Mar 1999

Vol. 501 No. 5

Written Answers. - Tax and Social Welfare Codes.

Derek McDowell


20 Mr. McDowell asked the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs the links, if any, between the national vehicle registration, national revenue and social welfare databases; and the plans, if any, he has to correlate them. [6440/99]

There is currently no online link between the databases in my Department and the national vehicle registration database or the Revenue Commissioners.

A copy of the national vehicle registration database is made available on microfilm to my Department, generally on a quarterly basis. This allows inspectors to request details in respect of vehicle ownership, particularly during the course of their on-site investigations. Access to this facility is restricted to inspectors.
Following computerisation of the national vehicle registration database, consideration is now being given to developing an electronic link to allow access to the most up to date information.
There is a significant volume of information sharing between my Department and the Revenue Commissioners arising from the responsibility of that office for the collection of PRSI contributions and arising from the procedures for people commencing employment.
My Department receives each year copies of end of year, P35, returns of PRSI contribution data. This contribution data is used to determine eligibility for social welfare benefits and for control purposes. Over two million records are received each year from the Revenue Commissioners. There are no plans at present to develop an online link between the databases.
My Department is also responsible for the issue of RSI numbers to people commencing employment and there is co-operation with the Revenue Commissioners in that regard. The Department receives on a regular basis information from Revenue on commencements of employment and this is correlated with information in relation to the social welfare status of the people concerned for control purposes and any follow-up action which may be required.