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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 9 Mar 1999

Vol. 501 No. 6

Written Answers. - Grant Payments.

Paul Connaughton


192 Mr. Connaughton asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the reason a suckler cow and headage grant has not been paid to a person (details supplied) in County Roscommon; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [6952/99]

The person named applied on 11 suckler cows under the 1998 suckler cow premium scheme. At an inspection carried out on 12 November 1998 three of the animals were found at undeclared grazings and consequently were not eligible for payment. My Department wrote to the person named on 3 February advising him that he would receive a reduced payment under this scheme. He was given the opportunity to appeal this decision by writing to my Department setting out any facts which he wished to put forward to support his case. No reply has been received to date from the person named and the reduced grant of £392.65 was paid to him on 11 February 1999.

The person named applied on 39 animals under the 1998 cattle headage scheme. Two of the animals applied on were not registered with the national calf birth registration service and he was written to by my Department on 5 February 1999 requesting that the animals be registered. These animals will have to be registered before the application can be processed further.

Paul Connaughton


193 Mr. Connaughton asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the reason suckler cow and headage grants have not been paid to a person (details supplied) in County Roscommon; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [6953/99]

The person named applied on 12 suckler cows under the 1998 suckler cow premium scheme. At an inspection carried out on 15 July 1998, three of the animals were declared ineligible for payment since two of them were found at undeclared grazings and one animal listed as a beef cow on the application form was deemed to be a friesian cow. My Department wrote to the person named on 3 February 1999 advising him that he would receive a reduced payment under the scheme. He was given the opportunity to appeal this decision by writing to my Department setting out any facts which he wished to put forward to support his case. No reply has been received to date from the person named and the reduced grant of £631.04 was paid on 18 February 1999.

The person named applied on 39 animals under the 1998 cattle headage scheme. Three of the animals applied on were not registered with the national calf birth registration service and he was written to by my Department on 9 February 1999 requesting that the animals be registered. These animals will have to be registered before the application can be processed further.

Paul Connaughton


194 Mr. Connaughton asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the reason a 22 months special beef premium has not been paid to a person (details supplied) in County Galway. [6954/99]

The person named above submitted three applications under the 22 month special beef premium scheme for 1998.

The first 22 month application in respect of 15 animals was submitted on 3 February 1998. Two animals were ineligible on the grounds of age and were deleted without penalty. Payment of £937.76, which represents 80 per cent of 13 animals, issued to him on 17 November, 1998.

The second 22 month application in respect of two animals was submitted on 12 March 1998. Payment of £144.27, which represents 80 per cent of two animals, issued to him on 3 November, 1998.

The third 22 month application in respect of four animals was submitted on 4 November 1998. The application has been processed and payment of 80 per cent in respect of four animals will issue shortly.
