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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 9 Mar 1999

Vol. 501 No. 6

Written Answers. - Architectural Heritage.

Austin Deasy


81 Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands if she has a list of stately homes which are opened for viewing by the public; the proposals, if any, she has to increase the numbers of these homes; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [6889/99]

My Department manages some 74 heritage sites, including some of the most prestigious national monuments and historic properties in the State. A full list of all sites which are open to the public this year is contained in my Department's booklet, Heritage Sites 1999, which is available free of charge to the general public and a copy of which I have arranged to be sent to the Deputy.

Among the historic properties currently open to the public are Emo Court, County Laois, and Muckross House, County Kerry. It is proposed to reopen Castletown, County Kildare, by the end of April, while Doneraile Court, County Cork, will be opened following the completion of necessary restoration and safety works.

Lists of stately homes in private ownership which are opened for viewing by the public are not kept by my Department. However, the owner or occupier of a building which is determined by me to be a building which is intrinsically of significant scientific, historical, architectural or aesthetic interest and which is determined by the Revenue Commissioners to be a building to which reasonable access is afforded to the public, can apply under section 482 of the Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997, for relief for expenditure incurred in the repair, maintenance or restoration of that building.

A person who has obtained the two determinations is obliged before claiming relief, to provide Bord Fáilte with particulars of the name, if any, and address of the approved building, and the days and time during the year when access to the approved building is afforded to the public, such particulars being provided to the board on the understanding by the person and the board that they may be published by the board or by another body concerned with the promotion of tourism. The minimum obligation regarding access which must be satisfied is that access to an approved building is so afforded for not less than 60 days, including not less than 40 days during the period commencing on 1 May and ending on 30 September in any year.
My Department does not have responsibility for stately homes in private ownership but is concerned with the preservation of important elements of our architectural heritage. Under the package of measurements announced in May grants will be available from local authorities for conservation works to listed buildings. The Heritage Council may also provide financial assistance for conservation purposes.