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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 23 Mar 1999

Vol. 502 No. 3

Written Answers. - Special Educational Needs.

Ivor Callely


56 Mr. Callely asked the Minister for Education and Science if he will review the present arrangements where children enrolled in special schools have to seek departmental sanction to continue in school after their eighteenth birthday in view of the necessity to view each pupil's needs attending special schools on an individual basis; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8108/99]

I have no plans to alter the arrangements currently in place for pupils attending special schools or special classes who wish to continue in school beyond the school year in which they reach their eighteenth birthday.

Special schools and special classes cater for children with special needs from the age of four until the end of the school year in which the pupil reaches his or her eighteenth birthday. Pupils attending special schools or special classes normally complete their education within this period.

In exceptional circumstances, my Department is prepared to consider an extension of one additional year where it is felt that significant educational benefit will accrue to the child from such an extension.

Depending on their level of need, children leaving the special school system can have access to further education and training services through attendance at a range of vocational training centres or through the National Training and Development Institute. My Department funds the provision of tuition programmes in these facilities.
