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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 23 Mar 1999

Vol. 502 No. 3

Written Answers. - Salmon Management.

Michael Ring


135 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources if the salmon fishing season will be extended in 1999 in relation to the estuary at Pullathomas, Ballina, County Mayo, in view of the fact this is a disadvantaged area and its local inhabitants have already suffered a disastrous year in farming. [8082/99]

The Deputy will be aware that salmon populations remain vulnerable and that our commitment to improving protection, conservation and management on an incremental basis must be sustained by everybody involved, be they commercial or angling.

I recently announced my salmon management policy for this coming season. I have decided to continue the general conservation measures which were in place in 1998, including the close seasons. I have also announced additional measures this year including a salmon tagging scheme as the first phase in the development of tagging and quotas which was recommended by the Salmon Management Task Force. To protect spring salmon stocks, which are particularly vulnerable, as well as spawning fish, I have announced a ban on the use of prawn and shrimp bait and the use of gaffs, identification of "blackspot" spring salmon rivers for which the close season will be extended next year to 1 May, and the development of catch and release schemes.
I have no plans to grant an extension to the salmon fishing season. However, as I have already indicated, where commercial fishermen and anglers can agree a management plan for specific areas, I am prepared to consider the possibility of extending the season in those areas.