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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 11 May 1999

Vol. 504 No. 4

Written Answers. - Grant Payments.

Michael Ring


158 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will receive 1998 cattle and sheep headage and suckler cow premium payments; and the reason for the delay in this regard. [12171/99]

There is a difficulty on the area aid application of the person named concerning his claim in relation to commonage entitlement. To resolve this matter, my Department wrote to all the parties concerned, including the person named, enclosing maps and requesting them to indicate their precise commonage shares and to submit evidence of their entitlement to the commonage areas claimed by them. His application cannot be further processed until a reply has been received to this correspondence.

Michael Ring


159 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when an appeal for headage and premia for a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be finalised. [12172/99]

The herdowner lodged an appeal on 8 February 1999 regarding his 1998 suckler cow premium-cattle headage application. The appeal is currently being examined and the herdowner will be informed of the outcome shortly.

Michael Ring


160 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will receive a special beef premium. [12173/99]

No special beef premium application was received from the person concerned during 1999 to date or in the previous three years.

Michael Ring


161 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will receive a second year REP scheme payment in view of the fact he was inspected on 16 April 1999. [12174/99]

The person concerned was chosen at random for a pre-payment inspection. This involved an examination of the agri-environmental plan and an on farm inspection. The inspection took place on 19 April 1999. A number of deficiencies have been identified in the plan. My Department will be contacting the person concerned regarding this matter.

No payment can issue until this matter has been satisfactorily resolved.

John Perry


162 Mr. Perry asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the reason a person (details supplied) has not received a 1998 suckler cow payment; if any outstanding difficulties will be resolved and payment released; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12210/99]

The person named made an application under the 1998 suckler cow premium scheme in respect of 11 cows on October 1998. Provided all office checks are in order payment of the 1998 suckler cow grant will issue shortly.

John Perry


163 Mr. Perry asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the reason a person (details supplied) has not received a headage payment; if any outstanding difficulties will be resolved and payment released; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12212/99]

The person named received his full entitlement of £485.00 under the 1998 cattle headage scheme on 27 September 1998. He is not an applicant under any other 1998 headage premium schemes.
