I propose to take Questions Nos. 258 to 261, inclusive, together.
There are no EC, ECSC, or EURATOM directives awaiting implementation in my Department.
There are a number of Council of Europe conventions and protocols which relate to education which have not been signed or ratified by Ireland. The information requested by the Deputy is currently being collated and will be forwarded to the Deputy directly.
The Council of the European Union authorised the European Community and the European Atomic Energy Community on 17 June 1994 to sign and conclude the convention defining the statute of the European schools. This convention was designed to update the original 1957 convention, which established a number of schools throughout Europe which cater mainly but not exclusively for the children of staff of institutions of the European Union. The revised convention was signed on behalf of the Minister for Education at the Council of Education Ministers on 21 June 1994. The process for the ratification of this convention is currently at an advanced stage.