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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 25 May 1999

Vol. 505 No. 3

Written Answers. - Grant Payments.

John Perry


102 Mr. Perry asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if, further to Parliamentary Question No. 115 of 12 May 1999, he will waive all late penalties on the area aid application for a person (details supplied) in County Sligo in view of the medical evidence; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [13695/99]

As stated in my reply of 12 May 1999, the question of whether late penalties should not apply to the 1999 area aid application for the person named will be considered in the light of any medical evidence submitted by the person named. Due to the large numbers of applications which require processing, it will be some time before the final status of any individual application will be determined.

John Perry


103 Mr. Perry asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if, further to Parliamentary Question No. 106 of 27 April 1999, the area aid application will be reviewed for a person (details supplied) in County Leitrim in view of the fact that he has the land maps supplied; if a favourable decision will be made and his headage payments released; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [13696/99]

As outlined in my reply to Parliamentary Question No. 106 of 27 April 1999 there was a parcel of land on the 1998 area aid application for the above-named which was also being claimed by another applicant. Both applicants were contacted regarding this matter and the person named admitted that he did not have the right to declare this parcel on his application. The area of this land parcel constituted an over-claim in excess of 20 per cent.

Under EU regulations this results in the application of a 100 per cent penalty and I have no discretion in the matter.
