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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 15 Jun 1999

Vol. 506 No. 2

Written Answers. - Drug Courts.

Michael Ferris


76 Mr. Ferris asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the progress, if any, being made on to the establishment of a drugs court pilot project; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [15375/99]

The House will be aware that the 1997 Programme for Government listed as one of its key priorities the creation of a drug courts system which would involve court supervised treatment programmes for less serious drug related offences. In accordance with this commitment, I requested the working group on a courts commission, chaired by Mrs. Justice Susan Denham, to consider the establishment of a drug courts system in Ireland.

The primary recommendation of the working group was that a drug courts planning programme be commenced. US experience in drug courts highlighted the importance of proper planning to the success of the programme. In September 1998, I announced that the Government had approved the establishment of a pilot drug court programme in the District Court in 1999.

In February 1999, I established the Drug Court Planning Committee, representative of the Judiciary and all relevant interests, under the chairmanship of Judge Desmond Hogan. The remit of the committee is to initiate, develop and oversee a drug court planning programme with clearly defined goals and objectives, The committee is also involved with an assessment of the resource and infrastructural requirements of the programme setting out the likely costs and potential savings.

I understand that the planning committee is working diligently and that its report will provide the basis for a significant change in approach towards non-violent drug related crime. I am pleased to say that I received notification on 9 June that the report of the planning committee is imminent. This report will facilitate the introduction of the drug court pilot scheme over the coming months.
