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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 30 Sep 1999

Vol. 508 No. 2

Written Answers. - General Medical Services Scheme.

Michael Finucane


64 Mr. Finucane asked the Minister for Health and Children the reason no general practitioner has been granted a general medical services number since the conclusion of an agreement between the Irish Medical Organisation and his Department to expand the scheme; and the steps, if any, he will take to resolve the practical difficulties that have arisen. [18222/99]

Ivor Callely


97 Mr. Callely asked the Minister for Health and Children the progress, if any, which has been made for general practitioners who have been allowed into the general medical services scheme under the last five years in practice deal; the number of new general practitioners who will join the general medical services under this deal; when they will be able to take on general medical services patients; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18399/99]

Alan Shatter


110 Mr. Shatter asked the Minister for Health and Children the reason no general practitioner has been granted a general medical services number since the conclusion of an agreement between the Irish Medical Organisation and his Department to expand the scheme; and the steps, if any, he will take to resolve the practical difficulties which have arisen. [18413/99]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 64, 97 and 110 together.

In March of this year, agreement was reached with the Irish Medical Organisation on a one-off arrangement for entry to the GMS scheme by doctors who met certain requirements, particularly as regards experience and qualifications. In essence, the agreement allowed for limited GMS scheme entry for doctors having five years full- time general practice experience. Those doctors would be in a position to retain any of their private patients, who after 1 March 1999, obtained a medical card. Doctors with eight years relevant experience would be able to apply for full GMS scheme contracts. They could take on any person having a medical card. For the sake of completeness, I should point out that a limited contract holder would, after accumulating the required eight years experience, also become eligible for a full contract.
It is not possible to be specific about the total number of doctors who will ultimately benefit from and take advantage of these arrangements over the relevant timeframe which concludes at 28 February 2007. For example, some doctors who are eligible to apply for GMS scheme entry under the scheme may decide not to do so. However, it is thought that approximately 300 doctors may come within the scheme.
As regards the implementation of the agreement, the terms of the agreement required significant elaboration before they could be implemented. This involved further discussions with the IMO aimed at mutually agreed clarification of terms as well as consultations with the health boards on the practical steps that would be required for the processing of applications.
This process culminated in late July with the production of a uniform national application package consisting of application forms, notes for applicants and interpretation of key terms. Health boards were only then in a position to formally process applications.
In terms of the time taken to process individual applications, applicants are required to provide,inter alia, documentary evidence of qualifications and experience which may require to be verified, to nominate referees who have to be contacted and forward written references, to provide details of practice premises which may require inspection. The Deputy will appreciate that this matter must be handled with appropriate rigour in the interests of the patients.
I am satisfied that the time expended by all the parties referred to above in teasing out the operational aspects of the agreement was a necessary requirement if the arrangements were not to operate in a haphazard,ad hoc and ultimately unsatisfactory manner. I am satisfied that we now have a satisfactory procedure in place.
I understand that the first contracts under these arrangements will be issued in the next week or so. My Department will continue to monitor the situation to ensure that the procedures operate as effectively and efficiently as possible.