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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 12 Oct 1999

Vol. 509 No. 1

Written Answers. - Child Care Services.

Richard Bruton


206 Mr. R. Bruton asked the Minister for Health and Children if child care services offered from home are subject to inspection regardless of the number of children involved. [19576/99]

The Child Care (Pre-School Services) Regulations 1996, which give effect to the provisions of part VII of the Child Care Act 1991, provide for notification to and inspection by health boards of pre-school services. The regulations apply to pre-schools, playgroups, day nurseries, crèches, childminders looking after more than three children and other similar services which cater for children under six years of age. The purpose of the regulations is to build on the existing good standards in our pre-school services and gradually improve standards throughout the sector to secure the health, safety and welfare of pre-school children and to promote the development of children attending pre-school services.

Under the regulations, pre-school providers are obliged to notify their local health board that they are carrying on, or proposing to carry on, a pre-school service. On receipt of notification the health board will provide relevant information to the applicant and arrange for an inspection to be carried out by an authorised person.

Certain exemptions from the provisions of part VII of the Act are provided as follows: (a) the care of one or more pre-school children undertaken by a relative of the child or children or the spouse of such relative; (b) a person taking care of one or more pre-school children of the same family and no other children, other than that person's own such children, in that person's home; (c) a person taking care of not more than three pre-school children of different families, other than that person's own such children, in that person's home.

Pat Rabbitte


207 Mr. Rabbitte asked the Minister for Health and Children the funding his Department is providing for a project (details supplied); if his Department will fund salaries for the new educational child care facility in this disadvantaged area and in view of his Department's policy in this matter; when a decision will be conveyed; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19589/99]

I met with representatives of An Cosán in June 1999 to discuss their funding requirements for Rainbow House, the child care centre element of the project and was impressed with the service which An Cosán provides. I regret that I do not have any funding available to me in 1999 to support this project. I will consider their request for funding again in 2000 in the light of resources available to me at that time.
