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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 13 Oct 1999

Vol. 509 No. 2

Written Answers. - Social Welfare Benefits.

Jim O'Keeffe


125 Mr. J. O'Keeffe asked the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs the reason arrears of widow's pension has not been paid to a person (details supplied) in County Sligo; and if he will arrange for payment. [20073/99]

The person concerned submitted a late claim for widow's contributory pension on 15 September 1994. She was awarded a pension from 17 June 1994, three months prior to the date of claim. Her entitlement was reviewed in the light of further information received and her claim was backdated a further three months to 18 March 1994. This represents the maximum arrears payable under the relevant legislation applicable in her case.

As a result of a decision made by this Government, at my suggestion, arrangements were made this year to pay further arrears, on a proportionate basis in the case of late claims made before 1 January 1997. Under these arrangements, the person concerned received a further 74 weeks arrears of pension amounting to £4,367.80. The only circumstances in which additional arrears could be paid would be in the event of proven incapacity on the part of the applicant to apply for pension on time, force majeure, departmental error, or to alleviate current financial hardship. Based on the information available in this case, none of these exceptional circumstances apply. In the circumstances, the person concerned has received all arrears due to her under the arrangements applicable to her claim.

Michael Ring


126 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will have his claim for disability allowance dealt with. [20140/99]

The person concerned has been awarded disability benefit with effect from 16 September 1999 at a weekly rate of £98.40. There is no record of an application for disability allowance from him.

Disability allowance is payable to people with a disability which is expected to last for at least one year and entitlement is subject to both a medical assessment and means test.

An application form for disability allowance has been issued to the person concerned for completion and his entitlement to the allowance will be examined on receipt of the completed form.

Michael Ring


127 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs the reason a person (details supplied) in County Mayo is only in receipt of £120 per week on an invalidity pension as a separated father with three dependent children; and the amount he would receive if he was on unemployment assistance. [20141/99]

The person concerned was previously in receipt of one-parent family payment and half-rate disability benefit. Disability benefit is payable at half-rate, in addition to one-parent family payment for a period of 15 months and in this case his entitlement to disability benefit ended on the 30 June 1999.

He subsequently applied for and was awarded invalidity pension effective from 15 July 1999. Invalidity pension is payable where a person is considered to be permanently incapable of work and satisfies certain PRSI contribution conditions. He is currently in receipt of a full rate pension of £120.80 per week. From 14 October 1999 he will receive an additional £5 weekly in respect of free fuel allowance. He is also in receipt of free travel, free telephone rental allowance and free electricity allowance.

A person receiving unemployment assistance with nil means and with three dependent children would be paid at the weekly rate of £113.10.

Michael Ring


128 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs the reason a person (details supplied) in County Mayo has had a decrease in the amount of his farm assist. [20143/99]

The person concerned was in receipt of unemployment assistance for smallholders at the weekly rate of £145.50 based on a means assessment of £24 derived from income from a holding.

Following receipt of his application for farm assist his means were reviewed and a deciding officer assessed his weekly means at £35 a week, from 15 September 1999. This assessment entitles him to payment at the weekly rate of £134.50. The person concerned has appealed this decision and the matter is being pursued.

Michael Ring


129 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs when a disability allowance for a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be fully restored with arrears paid from 9 July 1999. [20144/99]

The person concerned who was previously refused the allowance as he was residing in an institution has been awarded disability allowance with effect from 12 July 1999 at the maximum rate of £73.50 per week. Payment of disability allowance will commence on 27 October 1999 at his local post office. Any arrears due from the 12 July 1999, less any other payments made to him during the intervening period, will also be issued to him.
