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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 2 Nov 1999

Vol. 509 No. 6

Written Answers. - FÁS Schemes.

Michael Ring


546 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Education and Science whether a person on a FÁS scheme receiving full entitlements, where their partner also receives full entitlements on a FÁS scheme, could change to a vocational training opportunity scheme without losing any benefits. [21457/99]

The House will be aware that the rates of allowances on VTOS and the Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs back to education allowance schemes were equalised in 1998 and that the £25 per week incentive payable to long-term unemployed participants on FÁS courses was applied to VTOS with effect from September 1999. Nevertheless, there are variables which apply in the treatment of individual cases depending on the nature of the FÁS scheme, for example, community employment or FÁS mainline training, the additional allowances payable in respect of a dependent spouse and children and any corresponding adjustments which fall to be made in relation to the other spouse's entitlements, and the treatment of secondary benefits. In relation to such variables, it is normal practice for both FÁS and the vocational education committees to be advised by the Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs as to level of social welfare entitlement which would arise, and to pay a training allowance on the basis of that advice. Accordingly, without an examination of the specific circumstances which arise in this case, it is not possible to state what the precise impact on benefits would be.

The vocational training opportunity scheme is open to adults at least 21 years of age who are getting an unemployment payment or signing for credits for at least six months. Periods spent on FÁS or community employment schemes can count towards this qualifying period. VTOS participants retain entitlements to any secondary benefits they already have prior to joining the programme. The basic rate of allowance for an adult with no dependents is £73.50 per week, but additional allowances are payable for dependents, and deductions may come into play in respect of one partner in respect of income exceeding £60 per week. The £25 per week bonus payable to long-term unemployed does not apply to those transferring directly from a FÁS programme, except in the case of transfers from the community employment scheme and the Job Initiative.
