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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 24 Nov 1999

Vol. 511 No. 4

Written Answers. - Grant Payments.

Michael Ring


67 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development the reason a person (details supplied) in County Mayo has not received 1999 headage and premia. [24672/99]

Payment under the 1999 suckler cow premium scheme of £739.60 has now issued to the person named and together with a further payment of £59.24, which will issue to her within the next seven days, represents her 60 per cent advance under this scheme. Payment of her entitlement under the 1999 cattle headage scheme will also issue within the next seven days.

The person named submitted an 1998 area aid application on which she declared 17.54 hectares of forage area. However, an examination of her application showed that her actual forage area in 1998 was 16.60 hectares. This represents a difference of 0.94 hectares or 5.66 per cent between the area claimed and that found. Under article 9 of EU Regulation 3887/92, the penalty is based on double the difference when it is between 3 per cent and 20 per cent. The penalty applicable in this case was therefore 11.33 per cent which, when applied to her actual forage area of 16.60 hectares, gave an adjusted forage area for the purpose of calculation of her entitlements under the 1998 headage and premia schemes of 14.72 hectares.

When payments under the 1998 cattle headage scheme and the 1998 suckler cow scheme issued last year, they were calculated on the basis of her original declaration of 17.54 forage hectares. A cheque for £1,219.20 under the 1998 cattle headage scheme issued to her on 13 October 1998 and an 80 per cent advance of £1,121.84 under the 1998 suckler cow premium scheme issued to her on 21 October 1998. While a balance of £280.46 is now due to the person named under the 1998 suckler cow premium scheme she was overpaid by an amount of £147.65 under the 1998 cattle headage scheme. This amount will be deducted from her remaining entitlement under the 1998 suckler cow premium scheme. Payment of £132.81 will now issue to her under this scheme.

Michael Ring


68 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will receive 1999 cattle and sheep headage and premia in view of the fact proof of his entitlement to claim commonage has been provided. [24673/99]

The 1999 area aid application for the person named has now been fully processed and any payments due will issue as soon as possible.

Michael Ring


69 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development further to Parliamentary Questions Nos. 147 and 148 of 16 November 1999, the reason payment of headage and premia for persons (details supplied) in County Mayo has been held up in view of the fact Department officials called to them in 1998 and physically walked the land to clear up the dual claim difficulty. [24674/99]

The 1999 area aid applications for the persons named have now been fully processed and any payments due will issue as soon as possible.

Ivan Yates


70 Mr. Yates asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development if area aid payments will be issued to a person (details supplied) in County Wexford; and, if so, when payment will issue in this regard. [24675/99]

The 1999 area aid application for the person named has now been fully processed any payments due will be made as soon as possible.

Ivan Yates


71 Mr. Yates asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development if a person (details supplied) in County Wexford will be paid suckler cow premium grants. [24676/99]

The person named applied on 21 cows under the 1999 suckler cow scheme and on 60 ewes under the 1999 ewe premium scheme.

However she did not declare any forage area on her 1999 area aid application. It is a condition of EU premia schemes that applicants applying for premium in excess of 15 livestock units are required to declare forage area on their area aid application.

However payment is allowed on up to 15 livestock units where there is no forage area declared.

As the person named has already been paid her entitlement on 60 ewes which is the equivalent to nine livestock units, she is entitled to premium on six cows under the 1999 suckler cow scheme. This payment will issue shortly.

Michael Creed


72 Mr. Creed asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development if the area aid application of a person (details supplied) in County Cork will be reviewed in view of the fact he inadvertently ticked the forage section instead of the arable silage section; and if arrangements will be made for immediate payment in view of this genuine mistake. [24711/99]

The person named claimed a total of 53.06 hectares of forage area on his 1999 area aid application. This application has been fully processed and payment has issued under the special beef premium scheme.

There is no provision under the arable aid scheme for payment in respect of arable silage.
