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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 9 Dec 1999

Vol. 512 No. 5

Written Answers. - Departmental Staff.

Noel Ahern


96 Mr. N. Ahern asked the Minister for Health and Children the number of manual grade operatives, for example, service officers, attendants, cleaners or other general category of this nature appointed in his Department, or agencies under his Department's direct control, during the past four years; the number who applied for these positions; the number interviewed for each position; the salary levels for these jobs; his views on the number, experience and quality of these applicants; and whether the keen competition for these posts indicates that there is no shortage of available workers in the economy. [26566/99]

Regarding recruitment of service officers-porters since 1 January 1996, there has been one competition for service officer and porter positions which was held in December 1997. Some 58 individuals, including nominees from the National Rehabilatation Board and FÁS, were called for interview.

As a result of these interviews, 24 candidates were placed on panels as follows: seven candidates on the porter panel; nine candidates on the service officer panel and eight candidates on both panels.

As vacancies arise, they are filled from this panel.

Numbers recruited since 1996:1996

Service officers, nil; porters, two.


Service officers, nil; porters, nil.


Service officers one; porters, three.

1999 (up to 9/12/99)

Service officers, three; porters, nil.

Currently there are nine service officers and eight porters employed in the Department of Health and Children, which includes one service officer and one porter on career break. There is one service officer vacancy at present, which is due to be filled on 13 December 1999 from the above panel which will increase numbers to ten.

Current salary levels for these positions:

Service Officer

£171.62 (under 19); £179.51 (at 19); £193.08 (at 20 or over); £202.10; £210.00; £217.90; £223.54; £230.31; £241.95; £250.16 (after three years on max); £259.57 (after 6 years on max).
£241.95; £250.16 (after three years service); £259.57 (after 6 years service).