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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 9 Dec 1999

Vol. 512 No. 5

Written Answers. - Disadvantaged Status.

Richard Bruton


119 Mr. R. Bruton asked the Minister for Education and Science the headings under which assistance can be sought by St. Angela's school, Ursuline Convent, Waterford, which has been seeking disadvantaged status on the grounds that 75% of the children's siblings are in disadvantaged status schools; and when allocations will be made under these headings. [26505/99]

In the current school year 190 second level schools have been allocated disadvantaged posts and qualify for disadvantaged status on that basis.

A study of educational disadvantage conducted by the Combat Poverty Agency and the Education Research Centre in 1996 concluded that disadvantage status should be confined to 16% of the school-going population. The study noted that such status had already been granted to 17% of pupils. As an alternative to extending the disadvantaged areas scheme to additional schools, the study recommended that available resources be targeted on the most disadvantaged schools.

While I have no proposals at present for designating further schools as disadvantaged, I can assure the Deputy that the position of St. Angela's school will receive full consideration in the context of any future review of the disadvantaged scheme.

The authorities of St. Angela's school may apply for an increase in the approved teacher allocation to cater for particular circumstances. Applications of this nature are considered under the curricular appeal process and each case is considered on its merits.
