Only fully qualified teachers may be considered for appointment as remedial teachers. Remedial teachers may, as part of their work, be required to teach the full primary curriculum to the pupils to whom they are assigned, and it is, therefore, necessary that they be competent to teach each aspect of it. In addition, remedial teachers may be redeployed to positions in mainstream classes. Holders of Montessori qualifications alone would not therefore be considered eligible for appointment as remedial teachers.
My Department does however grant certain categories of teachers, who are not fully qualified to teach in mainstream national schools, restricted recognition to teach in certain special schools and classes. Teachers with the Montessori qualification which is awarded on completion of the three year full-time course in the Association Montessori Internationale, AMI, College, Mount St. Mary's, Milltown, Dublin 14, and teachers trained in St. Nicholas, Dún Laoghaire, Montessori, who have successfully completed the full-time course of at least three years duration which is recognised by the National Council for Educational Awards may be granted such recognition.
The person referred to by the Deputy is entitled to restricted recognition to teach in special schools and classes and would be receive full salary entitlements if she were to take up such a post.