The level of funding for primary and post-primary school accommodation has been increased from £72.5 million in 1997 to £181 million in 2000. This has resulted in significant progress being made in the elimination of substandard accommodation in the recent past. It is my intention to continue to accord high priority to this area.
In that regard, arrangements are under way for the conducting of a comprehensive survey of accommodation at primary and post primary levels to determine more accurately the level of need among schools. It is envisaged that within the next year or so, every school in the State will be visited by suitably qualified personnel who will thoroughly inspect the condition of each school and report findings to my Department. This information will be used to target funding more precisely where the need is greatest.
In addition to the measures outlined above, in recent years, a devolved grant amounting £12 million per annum has been introduced at primary level. The purpose of this grant is to enable school authorities to undertake minor improvement works at a local level without further departmental involvement.