The commission on the points system considered the issue of courses that require high points for entry. It accepted that in the case of some professional courses, especially those attracting high unit costs to the State, there is a need to ensure relativity between the number of students admitted to courses and the available employment opportunities. In subjects where the number of places is capped, for example, medicine, the commission recommended that there should be regular review involving open and transparent decision making processes.
On the wider issue of health care courses generally, the commission recommended that the key bodies involved set up a committee to explore the possibility of a preliminary third level course in life sciences followed by further study in a particular health care discipline. I am considering the report at present and planning for an implementation strategy is under way.
On the specific issue of pharmacy provision, the Deputy may be aware of the recent study commissioned by the Higher Education Authority on the demand and need for graduates in pharmacy. The study was undertaken on behalf of the Higher Education Authority by Peter Bacon and Associates, economic consultants and details a need for some 50 extra graduates per annum to fill the pharmacy positions that will exist in the medium term. The Higher Education Authority is currently consulting with all interested parties on the findings in the report and will report to me in due course.