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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 29 Mar 2000

Vol. 517 No. 1

Other Questions. - Electricity Generation.

David Stanton


59 Mr. Stanton asked the Minister for Public Enterprise if she has satisfied herself that the electricity supply to the Cork area is adequate to meet projected needs; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [9151/00]

The supply of electricity is currently a day-to-day operational matter for the ESB and one in which I have no function. However, one of the central planks of Irish energy policy over the years is the provision of a secure and reliable supply of electricity to meet the demands of all regions. The growth in demand for electricity is being managed competently by the ESB. I have received a categoric assurance from the chairman of the ESB that there will be no shortages of electricity supply during winter 2000-spring 2001.

Has the Minister inquired whether the delay in constructing the reinforcement line will cause problems to the ESB supply of electricity in the Cork region in the short or long-term?

The chairman has not discussed that matter with me for some time. I understand the matter is being dealt with in the courts. Therefore, he clearly feels it would not be correct to discuss it. The matter is in the courts and it is best left there until it is resolved.

Will the Minister confirm that no matter where electricity is generated it can be transported by the ESB through its transmission system to where it is required? Arising from that, will she confirm that there is no danger of blackouts because of a shortage of electricity nationally, in Cork or elsewhere? Does she agree that the ESB has had its task of providing the required supply, which is its statutory remit, hindered by her refusal to give it the necessary go ahead to build the power stations needed?

I agree that power can be generated and transmitted anywhere. The chairman has informed me categorically that there will not be a shortfall in winter 2000-spring 2001.

The following winter will be the dangerous one.

Winter 2001-spring 2002?

Edenderry power station commissioned by the previous Government will be open and transmitting by the end of this year. The addition to Ringsend power station is already open. Today I received a report that a planning application for a transformer has been submitted to Louth County Council.

Is the Minister or her Department aware whether concerns have been expressed by industry, IDA sources or the ESB with regard to the supply of electricity?

Any concerns would be expressed directly to the ESB, the chairman of which has informed me categorically that there will not be a shortfall in winter 2000-spring 2001.

Has the Minister received any complaints?

I will let the Deputy know if material has been submitted to officials of my Department.
