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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 24 May 2000

Vol. 519 No. 6

Written Answers. - Aer Rianta.

Tony Killeen


111 Mr. Killeen asked the Minister for Public Enterprise if she will give a breakdown of the financial contribution, if any, made by her Department to the management-staff constructive participation programme, compact, going on in Aer Rianta since 1994; and whether her Department's share of costs is in proportion to the contribution of the other partners, Aer Rianta and the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. [14602/00]

Tony Killeen


112 Mr. Killeen asked the Minister for Public Enterprise the reason the Aer Rianta Compact programme does not operate in Cork Airport; and the proportion of Aer Rianta staff at Dublin and Shannon involved in the compact structure. [14603/00]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 111 and 112 together.

The management-staff constructive participation compact programme in Aer Rianta is funded by the company from its own resources.

As regards the operation of the compact programme in Cork Airport, while there are no formal participation structures set up as yet, members of the staff and management of that air port have been involved in the participation process.
The participation process in Aer Rianta is voluntary and both management and unions consider major issues under the compact process. In Dublin Airport, the areas in the company which are working within the compact include the airport police, fire service, retailing, cleaning, the finance function and the maintenance division. At Shannon Airport, the maintenance and the operative areas are working within the compact process. I should add, however, that members of management and staff, when participating in compact discussions are not doing so on the basis of representing the views of the section or area of the company in which they work.