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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 7 Jun 2000

Vol. 520 No. 4

Written Answers. - Urban Development.

Ivor Callely


135 Mr. Callely asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government the level of support from his Department for the development of the Smithfield area, Dublin; the estimated number of visitors expected to visit the various attractions in the Smithfield area; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16202/00]

The Smithfield area forms part of the historic area rejuvenation project, HARP, in Dublin for which funding is being provided by my Department under the Urban and Village Regeneration Measures of the Operational Programme for Local Urban and Rural Development. In the period 1994-1999, a total of £5.563 million has been provided to Dublin Corporation to undertake a number of regeneration projects in the Smithfield area.

In addition, under the various capital programmes operated by my Department significant financial support is provided to Dublin Corporation to implement a range of projects within and in the vicinity of the Smithfield area. These include: the non-national roads programme under which funding of £2.864 million is being provided in 2000 for the North King St. traffic management scheme; the remedial works programme in relation to the refurbishment of the Ormond Square flats at a cost of £1.375 million; the housing construction programme in relation to the redevelopment of the Marmion Court-Queen Street flat complex at an estimated cost of £12 million and the provision of 24 new local authority dwellings at Halston Street/North King Street at a cost of £2 million; and the special area regeneration programme under which St. Michan's House and Kevin Barry House are being upgraded.

The area has also benefited under the 1986 and 1994 urban renewal tax incentive schemes and a total of 26 sites in the area, which are identified in the HARP integrated area plan, are also designated under the 1999 urban renewal scheme.

There is no information in my Department in relation to the estimated number of visitors to the various attractions in the area.
