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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 20 Jun 2000

Vol. 521 No. 4

Written Answers. - Aid Funding.

John McGuinness


72 Mr. McGuinness asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if his Department has received an application for special funding from Cradle for a project (details supplied); if so, the progress which has been made in this regard; and if he will meet the organisation to hear an outline of its work and plans for this project. [17532/00]

The Ireland Aid programme is focussed primarily on development assistance to six countries in Central and Southern Africa – Ethiopia, Lesotho, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. Other funding schemes include the NGO co-financing and the emergency preparedness and post-emergency rehabilitation fund. Cradle's application was considered and refused funding under these two funding schemes.

The NGO co-financing scheme receives applications for small scale development projects which meet the basic needs of the poorest sections of the population in developing countries. Categories which receive funding include basic primary education, primary health care, water and sanitation. The application from Cradle was not considered appropriate under the NGO co-financing scheme as funding for projects for second level schools are outside the scope of this scheme.

The rehabilitation fund, EPPR, is designed to assist the most vulnerable people in post-emergency societies. This fund is focussed on a limited and specific number of regions or countries which at present includes Rwanda, Bosnia-Herzegovina, East Timor and Honduras. Albania is not a post-emergency society and, therefore, does not qualify under the criteria for this fund.

Unfortunately, it is never going to be possible to respond positively in every case. Although Ireland's aid programme is reasonably significant in size, and will continue to increase, the level of needs around the world is always going to exceed available funding. It is, therefore, essential that our aid is clearly targetted on those most in need.
