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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 11 Oct 2000

Vol. 523 No. 5

Written Answers. - Recognition of Teachers.

John Perry


120 Mr. Perry asked the Minister for Education and Science the plans he has to improve and streamline the recognition of applicants to teaching who have high qualifications and in the interests of recruiting further teachers; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [21422/00]

I presume the Deputy is referring to the recognition of teachers in the primary sector in the context of the current shortage of primary teachers.

In order to be fully recognised to teach at primary level, teachers must have undertaken a recognised primary teacher training course and possess a recognised primary teaching qualification. Such a qualification can usually be achieved through graduation from one of the recognised teacher training courses in the colleges of education, or by a primary teacher trained outside the State achieving the necessary level of competence in the Irish language.
In order to tackle the present temporary shortage of qualified primary school teachers, however, those who have a primary degree and the higher diploma in education are paid at the trained rate when teaching in a temporary capacity in primary schools, provided they have obtained a grade C at higher level Irish in the leaving certificate examination.
Furthermore, fully qualified teachers who trained outside the State are recognised to teach in certain categories of schools and classes without the necessity to hold an Irish language qualification. Such teachers may also be granted provisional recognition to teach in mainstream schools and classes for a period of five years pending their obtaining the necessary competence in the Irish language.
In addition, persons who hold a primary degree may apply for admission to a post graduate training course in the colleges of education. Such courses are provided from time to time when it is deemed necessary to increase the supply of qualified primary teachers. The courses last for 18 months and enable graduates to become fully qualified to teach in primary schools.