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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 18 Oct 2000

Vol. 524 No. 3

Written Answers. - Child Care Services.


128 Dr. Upton asked the Minister for Finance if, further to Parliamentary Question No. 118 of 12 October 2000, he will provide vouchers to allow civil servants to obtain alternative child care services until the Mount Street service is ready to resume; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22688/00]

As I explained to the Deputy in reply to a previous question on 12 October 2000, my Department is working very closely with the Civil Service Crèche Co-operative to reopen the Mount Street crèche.

The crèche is run by the Civil Service crèche co-operative, with the Government providing the premises free of charge. Up to recently, the crè che had been operated under licence by a manager appointed by the co-operative.
A recent inspection of the premises by the Eastern Health Board showed that the premises do not meet mandatory child care standards. A number of building and design problems must be tackled before the crèche can be reopened.
I can now inform the Deputy that a contractor working for the Office of Public Works has already begun the refurbishment. It is expected that the work will be completed on 31 October and that the crèche will reopen for children very soon after that when it has been fully equipped.
I am very aware of the problems that the closure of the crèche has caused parents, but, in my view, the most important task is to ensure that the co-operative can re-open the crèche, with the proper facilities, as soon as possible. The introduction of vouchers would give rise to considerable administrative difficulties for the Department and the co-operative which might divert attention from the refurbishment work.
I am determined that the crèche will open once the mandatory health board standards have been met.