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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 7 Nov 2000

Vol. 525 No. 2

Written Answers. - Suckler Cow Quota.

Jim Higgins


304 Mr. Higgins (Mayo) asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development if he will consider the representations made in respect of the suckler quota under the 2001 national reserve scheme for a person (details supplied) in County Mayo who gave up his full-time job in order to enter farming and who is in need of qualification for the scheme. [23978/00]

The person named applied for an allocation of suckler cow quota from the year 2001 national reserve. He applied under category D which was reserved for farmers who did not qualify under the priority categories A, B or C because they did not satisfy the age, income, educational qualifications or livestock unit criteria required under those categories. Applicants under category D would only receive allocations if any quota remained after allocations were made to eligible applicants under categories A, B or C.

Owing to the large number of applicants for reserve quota, 5,336, and the small amount of quota available for distribution, 6,359 premium rights, all the available quota was allocated to 1,058 eligible applicants in the priority categories. Not all eligible applicants under category C received quota.
There was, therefore, no quota available to allow an allocation to be made to the person named or to any applicant under category D.