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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 7 Nov 2000

Vol. 525 No. 2

Membership of Committees: Motion.

I move:

That Deputy Róisín Shortall be discharged from the Joint Committee on Social, Community and Family Affairs and Deputy Mary Upton be appointed in substitution for her;

that Deputy Gerry Reynolds be appointed to the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs consequent on the vacancy caused by the death of Deputy Theresa Ahearn;

that Deputy Michael Finucane be appointed to the Joint Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women's Rights consequent on the vacancy caused by the death of Deputy Theresa Ahearn; that Deputies Michael Finu cane and Gerry Reynolds be discharged from the Joint Committee on Tourism, Sport and Recreation and Deputies Jimmy Deenihan and David Stanton be appointed in substitution for them;

that Deputy Simon Coveney be appointed to the Committee on Procedure and Privileges consequent on the vacancy caused by the death of Deputy Theresa Ahearn;

that Deputy David Stanton be discharged from the Joint Committee on Enterprise and Small Business and Deputy Austin Currie be appointed in substitution for him.

Question put and agreed to.