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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 8 Nov 2000

Vol. 525 No. 3

Written Answers. - Construction Industry Review.

Ivan Yates


278 Mr. Yates asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government the steps he and the Government are taking to ensure that there is adequate construction capacity to meet the residential sector needs and the requirements of the national development plan. [24920/00]

In September 1999 I asked the Forum for the Construction Industry to expedite a study of ways of expanding the capacity of the construction industry. The forum furnished an interim report in December 1999. I am glad to report that substantial progress is being made in implementing seven core recommendations contained in that report.

The forum submitted its final report on Expanding the Capacity of the Construction Industry in September 2000. I published the final report last month with a covering press statement welcoming the report and supporting the broad thrust of its recommendations. An interdepartmental group led by my Department is now finalising an action plan to increase capacity, drawing on the forum's recommendations. This action plan will be published shortly.

The action plan is designed to increase the overall capacity of the construction industry, comprising the three sub-sectors: (a) civil engineering; (b) general building; and (c) housing to ensure delivery of all categories of construction projects, worth over £22 billion, contained in the National Development Plan 2000-2006, including social housing and the necessary capacity for the market residential sector.
Question No. 279 taken with Question No. 136.