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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 8 Nov 2000

Vol. 525 No. 3

Written Answers. - Housing Policy.

Thomas P. Broughan


161 Mr. Broughan asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government the plans he has to introduce new quality of life indicators in the area of housing; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [20491/00]

It is the aim of Government housing policy to enable every household to have available an affordable dwelling of good quality, suited to its needs, in a good environment, and, as far as possible, at the tenure of its choice. A number of measures and schemes are in place to facilitate households in the attainment of this goal.

The nature of a household's housing circumstances and general living environment contribute to that household's quality of life. The quarterly national household survey conducted in the third quarter of 1998 by the Central Statistics Office contained a specific module on housing and accommodation. This module not only sought factual information from respondents regarding housing type, tenure, costs and physical characteristics but also sought information regarding levels of satisfaction with current accommodation and views of respondents on neighbourhood characteristics. I understand that the results of the housing module will be published by the CSO shortly. I also understand that the CSO intend to carry out similar surveys in the future and, this will facilitate assessment of changes in attitudes in relation to satisfaction with current accommodation and views on neighbourhood characteristics.

Under the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness, the National Economic and Social Council has been requested to consider the development of a framework to bring into operation national progress indicators to measure economic, social and environmental development. I understand that work is ongoing within the NESC on this.

Question No. 162 taken with Question No. 104.