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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 14 Nov 2000

Vol. 525 No. 5

Written Answers. - Special Educational Needs.

Enda Kenny


393 Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Education and Science if consideration has been given to the provision of classes for the deaf and the teaching of the ISL sign language in schools even on a pilot basis; if he has considered the difficulties that deaf children have in integrating into a normal society and the problems that non-hard of hearing or non-deaf children have in attempting to communicate with children who have a hearing difficulty or who are deaf; if he will give consideration to this concept; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [25819/00]

There are currently two special schools and 14 special classes for hearing impaired pupils. All these facilities operate at a maximum pupil-teacher ratio of 7:1.

Children who are deaf or who have hearing impairment are not a homogenous group either in terms of their hearing loss or of a wide range of other key factors. Therefore, no single response is appropriate or adequate when addressing the communication needs of this particular category of children. Educational provision is made for the individual child, in consultation with their parents, on the basis of the assessed needs of each child.

In this context, and in relation to the choice of communications system, the fundamental decision is whether the most appropriate first language for the child is Irish sign language or spoken English. If the option is for spoken English, which it will be in a significant number of cases, then a predominantly oral method of teaching is employed. In this oral approach, signed English is sometimes also used as a teaching device.

If the option is for Irish sign language, then the child is taught in a linguistic environment that is predominantly or exclusively based on the use of Irish sign language. There is a growing request for this approach by some parents on behalf of their children. The policy of my Department is to facilitate access to this approach so that the assessed needs of pupils and parental wishes are taken into account.
In this regard, I have allocated additional resources to the two special schools in Dublin to allow them to establish a number of classes in which sign language is the medium of communication and teaching. Special needs assistants, who are proficient in sign language, have also been provided for these schools in order to facilitate the development and use of Irish sign language as required. My Department has also provided support for a number of families with deaf children to allow them to employ tutors of Irish sign language in their homes.
With regard to further developments in this area, my Department will continue its consultations with representatives of the deaf community and with other relevant bodies and individuals, including individual parents of deaf children. The increased use of Irish sign language in the education of deaf children has also been acknowledged in the Education Act, 1998.
Arrangements are also being made to establish a representative advisory committee which will offer guidance on key future developments in the education of the deaf, including the issues raised by the Deputy in relation to Irish sign language and communication with non-deaf children.