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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 13 Dec 2000

Vol. 528 No. 2

Written Answers. - Blood Donations.

Bernard Allen


143 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Health and Children if he had discussions with the blood bank to confirm if they are actively considering banning donations of blood from anyone who has ever received a blood transfusion to reduce possible future risks of contracting CJD from transfusions. [29885/00]

I met the chairperson, chief executive officer and national medical director of the Irish Blood Transfusion Service yesterday and I was advised that the IBTS is considering a number of additional strategies to further reduce or minimise the possible risk of transmission of vCJD by blood transfusion.

One of these measures is that referred to by the Deputy i.e. the permanent deferral of donors who themselves have had a blood transfusion. Such donors are deferred at present for a period of twelve months after a transfusion. The IBTS will liaise with the CJD advisory group in relation to any proposals relevant to vCJD which it proposes to implement.

The measures under consideration could have major implications for the current activities of the IBTS. I have assured the board that I will ensure that it is adequately resourced to introduce new measures which are considered necessary to further improve blood safety.
