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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 31 Jan 2001

Vol. 529 No. 2

Written Answers. - Young People's Facilities.

Ivor Callely


168 Mr. Callely asked the Minister for Education and Science the total draw down from the young people's facilities and services fund to date; if he will give a breakdown of the draw down for development of youth facilities, including sport and recreational facilities, for Dublin 3, 5 and 9; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1474/01]

The Exchequer contribution to the Young People's Facilities and Services Fund was increased by the Government to £37.5 million in 2000 including £7.2 million for the children at risk programme of the Department of Health and Children. The purpose of the fund is to develop youth facilities, including sport and recreational facilities, and services in disadvantaged areas where a significant drug problem exists or has the potential to develop, with a view to attracting young people in those areas, at risk of becoming involved in drugs, into more healthy and productive pursuits.

The total draw down from the fund to date from my Department is £7,948,041, including £83,000 and £159,000 in respect of the Dublin North East and Finglas-Cabra task force areas respectively which cover the Dublin 3, 5 and 9 districts referred to by the Deputy. In addition, springboard projects have received funding of the order of £6.8 million from the Department of Health and Children under the children at risk programme.
