Jim Higgins
Question:99 Mr. Higgins (Mayo) asked the Minister for Public Enterprise if final reports are now available on the two most recent train crashes at Kiltoom, County Roscommon; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [9076/01]
Vol. 533 No. 3
99 Mr. Higgins (Mayo) asked the Minister for Public Enterprise if final reports are now available on the two most recent train crashes at Kiltoom, County Roscommon; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [9076/01]
Iarnród Éireann has advised that it expects an interim report of its formal inquiry into the accident of 22 December to be ready by mid-April 2001. In relation to the accident of 26 February 2001, the company expects that the interim report will be ready by 6 April 2001.
The chief railway inspecting officer has requested that Iarnród Éireann provide him with the findings of these reports as soon as they are become available. He has also asked that the findings of the final reports be provided to him as soon as these are finalised.
Question No. 100 answered with Question No. 54.
Question No. 101 answered with Question No. 45.