Written Answers. - Reserve Defence Force.
Brendan Smith
Mr. B. Smith
asked the
Minister for Defence
the proposals he has to enhance the role of the FCA with reference to the need to maintain its structure, presence and activity in communities particularly in the Border region; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Brendan Smith
Mr. B. Smith
asked the
Minister for Defence
the proposals he has to enhance the role of the FCA; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
I propose to take Questions Nos. 31 and 63 together.
The overall strategy for the future development of the Reserve Defence Force will be based on the report of the special steering group, which I established in January 1998. That group, which met each of the Permanent Defence Force representative associations and met on three occasions with the Reserve Defence Force Representative Association, RDFRA, reported in September 1999. A thorough, comprehensive and indepth study of the reserve was undertaken, involving a considerable amount of work both by a military board established by the then chief of staff and latterly by the steering group itself.
I formally launched the steering group report in November 2000 at a special briefing for the southern region in Thurles organised by the military authorities for serving members of the reserve. A similar briefing for the western region took place in Athlone in December 2000. A third briefing was held in Dublin in December 2000. I am pleased the various recommendations contained in the steering group report have been broadly accepted as providing a general foundation on which the development of the Reserve Defence Force can proceed in the future.
I am advised by the military authorities that a board, on which the FCA is represented, has been set up at Defence Forces headquarters to formulate specific plans for the implementation of the steering group recommendations. I am further advised that, under the aegis of this board, struc tures have been put in place in each brigade and in the Naval Service to facilitate consultation with FCA and Slua Muirí personnel throughout the country. Given the dependence of the reserve on voluntary service, I was anxious that there should be an ongoing process of consultation before proposals are finalised. I am further advised by the military authorities that it is anticipated that the board will submit its report to the chief of staff by the end of this year.
The White Paper on Defence recognised that a notable and important feature of the existing FCA organisation is its countrywide, geographical spread. This aspect will, in general terms, be retained in the future. The full organisational and establishment details of the new reserve force, as envisaged by the steering group, will be determined in the course of a detailed implementation process. That process will comprehend the drafting and development of a Reserve Defence Force review implementation plan, which will be based on the steering group's report. The implementation of the structural and organisational changes will require about six years to bring to completion. The military authorities will consider and recommend detailed proposals for the restructuring of reserve units within each brigade area and in the Naval Service.
In general terms, the blueprint for the new Reserve Defence Force will involve replacing An Fórsa Cosanta Áitiúil with an Army reserve consisting of two elements. One element will provide personnel who will integrate with Permanent Defence Force units to bring them up to full operational strength in a contingency situation. Personnel who opt for a period of integrated service will be provided with enhanced military training. The larger element will provide the overall Army reserve, organised into three reserve brigades.
As indicated in the White Paper on Defence, an important change recommended by the study of the reserve is that members of the FCA should be considered for participation in overseas peace support missions subject to appropriate qualifications, availability and advance training. Service by reservists on overseas peace support missions by other countries is quite common. General criteria governing selection for overseas service come within the scope of representation and any matters relating to overseas service by members of the reserve which come within the scope of representation will be raised with the representative associations at the appropriate forum. The question of the security of civilian employment for the members of the reserve who may wish to serve overseas will be considered as part of the implementation process.
In order that senior Reserve Defence Force officers can serve and influence reserve activities at the highest level in brigade headquarters and the Defence Forces Training Centre, the steering group recommended the creation of four new lieutenant-colonel appointments. It is intended that these appointments will form part of the inte grated element of the reserve and personnel appointed to these appointments would hold them for the duration of their integrated service. While the mechanism for appointing personnel to these appointments has not yet been established it will form part of the implementation process.
The steering group was particularly mindful of the need to preserve and retain the many traditional and well established strengths of the current reserve system, not least the admirable spirit of individual voluntary commitment, close social links with local communities and a good depth and scope as regards nationwide geographical spread.
In advance of the completion of the plans for the implementation of the steering group recommendations the total sum allocated for the training of the FCA and An Slua Muirí has been increased by an additional £1.6 million from £5.7 million in 2000 to £7.3 million in 2001. This figure will provide for an increase in the number of man-days from the level of 84,000 in 2000 to 94,000 approximately in 2001. It is proposed to allocate approximately 75,000 days to annual training and approximately 18,000 to 14 day full-time courses of instruction for officer and NCO technical training.