Rory O'Hanlon
Question:76 Dr. O'Hanlon asked the Minister for Public Enterprise the research which has been carried out here on risks associated with the erection of mobile telephone masts; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [18404/01]
Vol. 538 No. 5
76 Dr. O'Hanlon asked the Minister for Public Enterprise the research which has been carried out here on risks associated with the erection of mobile telephone masts; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [18404/01]
Mobile telephone masts receive transmissions from mobile phone users and transmit replies back to these users from the parties they contact. These communications are carried by radio signals at frequencies around 900MHz and 1800MHz. Research on the possible effects of radiofrequency exposure on health has been carried out for over 60 years and the results of many thousands of technical and medical studies have been published in scientific journals. Expert reviews of this work are published from time to time. For example, in 1997 the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection published a report entitled "Non-Thermal Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields" following an International Seminar on Biological Effects of Non Thermal Pulsed and Amplitude Modulated RF Electromagnetic Fields and Related Health Risks, at which the Department's chief technical adviser was rapporteur.
The European Union, under its COST, co-operation on science and technology, programme has promoted and co-ordinated extensive research in this whole area. In May 2001 the final report on the biomedical effects of electromagnetic fields was published following completion of COST action 244 bis. The European Union has since approved a new COST action 281 which will deal with the health and biomedical effects of new communications technology. It is my intention that Ireland will participate in this action.
Further, Ireland continues to support and participate in the World Health Organisation's EMF project. The WHO project co-ordinates research and standards activity on radiofrequency exposures across the world. It is expected to publish definitive reports on this research in 2003 and 2004.
My Department is closely involved in much of this work and continues to monitor all relevant developments.
Question No. 77 answered with Question No. 10.