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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 27 Nov 2001

Vol. 545 No. 1

Written Answers. - Aer Lingus.

Richard Bruton


70 Mr. R. Bruton asked the Minister for Public Enterprise the progress which has been made to date in identifying an investor for Aer Lingus; and the restrictions in the shareholding which she is imposing on a new investor now and in the longer term future. [29764/01]

As you are aware, on 23 October 2001, the Government decided in principle that, provided the Aer Lingus survival plan is rapidly agreed and implemented in all its essential aspects, it will facilitate private sector interests and the staff of the airline in an investment in the company in order to provide a source of funding to support the plan. My Department and the Department of Finance are currently discussing with Aer Lingus the process for implementing the Government decision in relation to private investment. A formal announcement will be made once the process and timetable has been agreed. Discussions also commenced last week with the Central Representative Committee of Aer Lingus unions in relation to an increase in the staff shareholding and I hope that these discussions can be concluded as rapidly as possible.
