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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 5 Feb 2002

Vol. 547 No. 3

Written Answers. - Sports Funding.

Pat Rabbitte


357 Mr. Rabbitte asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation the grants paid from his Department to Shamrock Rovers FC in respect of their proposed new stadium at Tallaght; if he has given a commitment to further funding to assist in the completion of the project; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3681/02]

I have allocated £1 million –€1.27 million – in grant aid to Shamrock Rovers towards the funding of its stadium development at Tallaght through two allocations of £500,000 –€634,870 – each under the 2000 and 2001 sports capital programmes.

The sports capital programme for 2002 was advertised on 25 and 26 November 2001, with a closing date of 4 January 2002 for the receipt of completed applications. In excess of 1,300 applications were received before the closing date, including one from the organisation in question. All applications are currently being evaluated against the programme's assessment criteria, which are outlined in the guidelines, terms and conditions of the programme. I intend to announce the grant allocations for the programme as soon as possible after the assessment process has been completed. I have not given a commitment regarding funding to any applicant organisation at this stage.
