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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 7 Feb 2002

Vol. 548 No. 1

Written Answers. - Afghan Prisoners.

Róisín Shortall


14 Ms Shortall asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will make a statement on the recent report by the Physicians for Human Rights group in relation to the Afghan prisoners being held at Shebarghan. [3735/02]

I have noted with concern the recent report by the Physicians for Human Rights group following their fact-finding mission to Afghanistan, and their recommendations in relation to the conditions in Shibarghan prison. Clearly, the conditions at the prison, as described in the report, are below international standards.

It is my understanding that the status of the prison and the prisoners held there remains to be determined. I welcome the fact that the International Committee of the Red Cross has access to the prison and continues to investigate the status of the prisoners there.

I call on the prison's authorities, and the Afghan Interim Administration, to implement the recommendations of both the ICRC and the Physicians for Human Rights group in relation to the conditions at the prison. I recall the terms of the Bonn Agreement, which states that the Interim Authority shall act in accordance with basic principles and provisions contained in international instruments on human rights and international humanitarian law to which Afghanistan is a party.

The international community is committed to assisting the Interim Authority in addressing the massive challenges it faces in rebuilding the country, including in relation to prison conditions.

I recently attended the Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan Reconstruction where international donors pledged US$4 billion for the reconstruction of Afghanistan, US$1.8 billion of it to be made available during 2002. The EU has contributed US$550 million of this 2002 allocation.

For our part, the Government has pledged €12 million to Afghanistan reconstruction over the next three years. A team of Irish officials is currently undertaking a needs assessment mission to the region.

At the conference, I met with the chairman of the Interim Administration, Hamid Karzai, his Foreign Minister, Abdullah Abdullah and other members of the Administration. I took that opportunity to underline Ireland's position that all detained persons are entitled to the protection of international humanitarian instruments and international humanitarian law.
