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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 12 Feb 2002

Vol. 548 No. 2

Written Answers. - Legislative Programme.

Michael Noonan


323 Mr. Noonan asked the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs his Department's legislative programme for the first half of 2002; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4086/02]

As outlined in the Government legislation programme published on 29 January last, I intend to bring forward a number of Bills over the coming months. The Pensions Bill, published on 27 July 2001, is currently before Seanad Éireann. This Bill deals with the regulation of occupational pensions and the legislative framework for the implementation of recommendations contained in the Pension Board's report, Securing Retirement Income. It is expected that the Bill will be passed by the Seanad by end February and then considered by the Dáil with a view to its enactment before the Easter recess.

The Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill, 2002, will be published very shortly. It will provide,inter alia, for the implementation of certain social welfare improvements announced in the Budget Statement of 5 December 2001 such as increases in the monthly rates of child benefit and increases in the respite care grant and improvements in the schemes of disability and unemployment benefits and pre-retirement allowance. The Bill will also provide for amendment of the Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages Acts to facilitate the implementation of a new computerised system of registration of births and deaths pending the enactment of a comprehensive Civil Registration Bill later this year. In addition, it will include a number of amendments to the Combat Poverty Agency Act, the Health Contribution Act and the Charities Acts. The Civil Registration Bill will provide for reform of the existing births, marriages and deaths registration legislation, and underpin the modernisation of the Civil Registration Service. The Bill is currently being drafted by the Parliamentary Counsel's Office and it is my intention to have the Bill published as soon as possible.
The Money Advice and Budgeting Service Bill will provide the legislative framework for the Money Advice and Budgeting Service established under the auspices of my Department in response to problems of moneylending and overindebtedness. The purpose of the Bill is to provide for a firm statutory basis for the service and to secure its continuity into the future. The drafting of the Bill is at an advanced stage and it is hoped to publish the Bill before the Easter recess.