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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 21 Feb 2002

Vol. 549 No. 2

Written Answers. - Child Care Programme.

Jim Higgins


138 Mr. Higgins (Mayo) asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the position regarding an application for assistance under the equal opportunity child care programme 2000-2006 by a person (details supplied) in County Mayo. [6146/02]

As the Deputy is aware, the equal opportunities child care programme, 2000 to 2006, makes grant assistance available under a range of measures to develop child care services throughout Ireland. Funding for the programme comes from both the European Union and the Exchequer.

On 22 January 2002, a capital grant application, under the programme, was received in my Department from the individual in question. The application was immediately passed to ADM Limited, which administers the programme on my behalf, to carry out a technical appraisal of the project proposal. Following its assessment, ADM Limited will submit its appraisal to the programme appraisal committee before I take a decision on the application. It is not appropriate for me to comment any further on the project proposal at this time.
