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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 26 Feb 2002

Vol. 549 No. 3

Written Answers. - Orthodontic Service.

Austin Currie


206 Mr. Currie asked the Minister for Health and Children the number on the waiting list in Dublin for orthodontic treatment for each of the past five years; his plans to improve the situation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [6321/02]

The provision of orthodontic treatment to eligible persons is the statutory responsibility of the health boards in the first instance.

The chief executive officer of the Eastern Regional Health Authority has informed me of the following information in relation to the number of patients awaiting orthodontic treatment:

Number awaiting treatment






Not Available



This year, my Department has provided additional funding of €0.662 million to the ERHA for orthodontic services of which €0.405 million was for an orthodontic training programme. Four dentists from the authority commenced their training for specialist in orthodontics qualifications last October. Furthermore, my Department has funded the appointment of a director of specialist training for the Irish Committee for Specialist Training in Dentistry through the Post Graduate Medical and Dental Board. The director has taken up duty and will play a pivotal role in assisting the different agencies involved in dental specialist training programmes.
Additional funding of €2.971 million was provided to the Eastern Regional Health Authority in 2001 for orthodontic services of which €2.044 million was for an orthodontic initiative in the authority. The chief executive officer of the authority has informed me of the following progress with developments under the initiative: two consultant orthodontists, two specialists in orthodontics and two permanent superintendent radiographers have been recruited; a six-surgery facility at Loughlinstown regional orthodontic unit has been developed and is now open. The treatment of patients there has commenced; the equipping of an additional five-surgery unit at the St. James's Hospital orthodontic unit has been completed and the unit is now operational; three orthodontic managers have been recruited in the Eastern Regional Health Authority to manage the orthodontic services of the area health boards; the Northern Area Health Board has engaged the services of specialist orthodontic practitioners from outside its own area. The board announced in October 2001 that up to 300 patients from its orthodontic treatment waiting list would be treated under these arrangements, beginning last November.
Furthermore, under this initiative, my Department is exploring with health boards new arrangements for the treatment of patients both by private specialist orthodontic practitioners and in out-of-hours sessions by health board orthodontists.
The chief executive officer of the ERHA has further informed me that at the end of the December 2001 quarter, there were 3,776 patients in orthodontic treatment in the authority. This is an increase of 488 patients in orthodontic treatment when compared with the corresponding figure at the end of the September 2001 quarter. I expect that the number of patients in orthodontic treatment will continue to increase as the measures in the orthodontic initiative take effect.