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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 19 Jun 2002

Vol. 553 No. 3

Other Questions. - Defence Forces Training.

Pat Rabbitte


21 Mr. Rabbitte asked the Minister for Defence if he has received the report of the investigation by the military authorities into the incident in the Glen of Imaal on 27 November 2001 in which a member was injured in a shooting incident; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [13827/02]

On the night of 27 November 2001, a progression course from two to three star private ranking was under way in the Glen of Imaal. A number of personnel were instructed to fire blank ammunition during the course of the exercise. During the exercise a number of live rounds of ammunition were accidentally discharged. The injured private received bullet wounds to his arm and chest. A military ambulance was on site and the injured party was immediately treated by a qualified emergency medical technician. The injured private was then transferred to Tallaght Hospital and subsequently to St. James's Hospital, where he underwent treatment. The injured private is still under medical care.

Military Police were immediately called to the scene and carried out a full investigation. They recently submitted their report to the Deputy Chief of Staff (Operations), who is currently examining the report. Pending the final outcome of the investigation, arrangements have been put in place to ensure that a recurrence of the events of 27 November does not take place.
