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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 19 Jun 2002

Vol. 553 No. 3

Written Answers. - FÁS Training Programmes.

Bernard J. Durkan


42 Mr. Durkan asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if she is satisfied that adequate resources are available to FÁS for retraining or other similar purposes; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [14079/02]

Where people lose their jobs by way of redundancy, FÁS has a procedure for putting supports in place prior to the date of redundancy to enable employers and employees to prepare for exit planning related to retraining or alternative job seeking.

Where such redundancies affect large numbers, other agencies are involved, for example, IDA, Forfás, local enterprise boards, partnerships, LES and the Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs.

Appropriate supports include individual interviews, career evaluation, career planning, retraining or training upgrades and job matching with local vacancies that may exist. Where appropriate, specific training courses are set-up.

Where the job losses are of a different nature and people register with the Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs as unemployed, there is a standard procedure in place between FÁS and the Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs to point such people towards the variety of FÁS services available to their particular needs.

In both scenarios, the supports are delivered by FÁS throughout its network and are processed on an integrated basis through employment offices, training centres, community offices and services to employers.

These interventions were a key component of the successful strategy pursued by the last Government that delivered economic and social progress through job creation with the resultant low unemployment rates.

The new Government recently reaffirmed its commitment in the programme for Government which stated: "FÁS will engage with redundant workers and people facing the prospect of long-term unemployment to ensure that the period out of work for a substantial number of people is kept to a minimum." I can assure the Deputy that it is a commitment that will be delivered on.

Given the current economic conditions and the projections for the remainder of the year, FÁS is confident that adequate financial and other resources are available to serve the needs of these clients.
