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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 15 Oct 2002

Vol. 555 No. 2

Adjournment Debate. - Speech Therapy Service.

Seán Haughey


253 Mr. Haughey asked the Minister for Health and Children the services provided by his Department for students who have verbal dyspraxia which results in a speech and language disability and which is therefore accompanied by a mild learning disability; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18257/02]

The provision of health-related support services, including speech and language therapy for children with dyspraxia, is a matter for the Eastern Regional Health Authority and the health boards in the first instance.

Since 1997, additional funding of over €185 million has been allocated for the provision of services for people with physical and sensory disabilities. My Department, in conjunction with the Health Research Board, the health boards and the voluntary sector service providers, is currently implementing the national physical and sensory disability database, which when complete, will provide an accurate picture of the service requirements, including the requirements for people with dyspraxia, in the sector. The database will enable services to be planned and delivered in a co-ordinated and efficient manner to provide an effective and seamless service to people with physical and sensory disabilities.

Seán Crowe


254 Mr. Crowe asked the Minister for Health and Children the reason the position of speech and language therapist was removed from Ard Mhuire national school in Belgard, Tallaght; if he will reconsider that decision; the number of applications for grants, and from which schools, for funding for such positions in the Dublin South West constituency; the number of schools which have a speech and language therapist in the same constituency; and his views on whether the needs of those children who require speech and language therapy are being met. [18259/02]

The provision of health-related services, including speech and language therapy, is a matter for the Eastern Regional Health Authority and the health boards in the first instance. Accordingly, the Deputy's question has been referred to the chief executive officer of the Eastern Regional Health Authority, with a request that he examine the matter and reply directly to the Deputy as a matter of urgency.

Question No. 255 answered with Question No. 102.
