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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 15 Oct 2002

Vol. 555 No. 2

Adjournment Debate. - Psychological Service.

Bernard J. Durkan


336 Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Health and Children if he has satisfied himself regarding the adequacy of numbers of psychologists available through the various health boards; his plans to increase the numbers in line with current demands; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18392/02]

I am aware in the context of work carried out by my Department along with health service employers and IMPACT on the joint review group on psychology services in the health service that shortages of psychology staff exist in the health service. The review group identified that a key factor was the inadequate number of post-graduate training places available. A workforce planning exercise carried out under the aegis of the review recommended the provision of approximately 30 additional post-graduate training places in psychology. Following a process initiated by my Department 30 additional places are now being provided through the Psychological Society of Ireland's post-graduate diploma course.

The Deputy may wish to note the increase in excess of 40, +12.6%, in the number of clinical psychologists employed in the public health service over the period 2000-01, in wholetime equivalent terms. In addition, over the past six months, about 20 additional psychologists from overseas have been approved by my Department to work as psychologists in the Irish health service.
