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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 15 Oct 2002

Vol. 555 No. 2

Adjournment Debate. - Pension Provisions.

Michael Ring


419 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if a person (details supplied) in County Mayo, who reaches the age of 65, eight days after the employment contributions criteria changed, can be approved a retirement pension based on their 171 full rate social insurance contributions paid; and if this person can be included for a retirement pension. [18001/02]

The Social Welfare Act, 1997, increased the number of paid contributions required for retirement pension in two phases to 260 from 6 April, 2002 and to 520 contributions from 6 April 2012. At the same time the annual average contribution rate required for a minimum old age contributory pension was reduced from 20 contributions to ten. The requirement to have 260 paid contributions for pension applies to all persons who reach retirement age 65 on or after 6 April 2002. The person concerned does not satisfy this condition for receipt of retirement pension under Irish legislation.

On the basis that he was previously employed in the United Kingdom, he satisfies the conditions for an EU pro-rata retirement pension at the weekly rate of €207.95, including qualified adult, child and fuel allowances. However, as he is already receiving farm assist at the weekly rate of €223.40, he is financially better off at present to remain on this payment.
