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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 10 Dec 2002

Vol. 559 No. 1

Written Answers. - Departmental Programmes.

Dan Boyle


285 Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources the moneys which have been expended in his Department by area and projects to date, under the RAPID and CLÁR programmes. [25851/02]

The RAPID and CLÁR programmes are designed to ensure that priority is given under the national development plan and other investment schemes administered by Departments and State agencies to certain disadvantaged and rural areas. The programmes were introduced on foot of commitments in the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness for a targeted investment programme in these areas.

There is no specific funding provision within my Department's budget in respect of the RAPID and CLÁR programmes. However, projects which are prioritised under these programmes, and which are the subject of applications under NDP or other schemes administered by my Department, would be eligible for any funding for such schemes provided within my Department's budget.

No funding has been allocated to date by my Department to RAPID programmes. However, two projects which are of relevance to my Department have been submitted to Area Development Management Ltd. (ADM) under the RAPID programme procedure. Both of these projects relate to the New Ross area and involve the construction of a marina and shore facilities and the development of woodland amenities. My Department is currently considering the request by ADM and in accordance with the agreed procedure will shortly contact representatives on the local implementation teams for these projects in relation to, among other matters, the time scale for project consideration under the relevant NDP schemes.

In so far as the CLÁR programme is concerned, funding of €20,500 is being provided by my Department towards the installation of Internet access kiosks in ten post offices in CLÁR designated areas to provide on-line access to Government Information.
