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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 17 Dec 2002

Vol. 559 No. 5

Written Answers. - Sports Capital Programme.

Finian McGrath


261 Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism if he will financially assist Bayside Gymnastics Club in their work for young people with disabilities and commend them in their work for the 2003 World Special Olympic Games in Dublin. [26670/02]

The national lottery funded sports capital programme is administered by my Department and allocates funding to sporting and community organisations at local, regional and national level throughout the country towards the provision of sport and recreational facilities. Projects must be directly related to the provision of sport and recreation facilities and be of a capital nature, which, for the purpose of the programme, is defined as: expenditure on the improvement or construction of an asset and includes any costs directly incurred in this process; and purchase of permanently based sports equipment, that is, it is securely housed and will remain in use for five years or more.

The programme, however, does not assist in the purchase of sites, premises or personal equipment, such as sports kits, gloves, personal protective clothing etc.

The programme is advertised on an annual basis. The closing date for the receipt of completed applications under the 2002 programme was 4 January last. The club in question did not apply. Provisional grant allocations were announced on 29 March and all funding under the 2002 programme has now been allocated.

Should the club in question have a requirement in keeping with the basic criteria listed above, then it will be open to it to apply under the 2003 sports capital programme when it is advertised. Guidelines, terms and conditions for the programme will be issued with the application forms.

In addition to the funds available under the sports capital programme, section 41 of the Finance Act, 2002, introduced a new scheme to provide for tax relief on donations made to approved sports bodies for the funding of sports capital projects. Guidelines on the main provisions of this scheme are available on request from the sports division of my Department.

As the Deputy is aware, the Irish Sports Council was set up in July l999 as the statutory body with responsibility, inter alia, for the development of sport. Funding for sports and recreation organisations at national level is now provided through the Irish Sports Council towards programme activities aimed at increasing participation and/or improving standards of performance.
