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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 17 Dec 2002

Vol. 559 No. 5

Written Answers. - UNFPA Funding.

Liz McManus


87 Ms McManus asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if his attention has been drawn to the severe difficulties being created for the United National Population Fund, UNFPA, as a result of the decision of the United States Government to withdraw funding from same; if, in view of the importance of the work done by the UNFPA in regard to family planning, he will urge the United States authorities to resume funding; if he will consider increasing funding, in view of the US decision; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [26528/02]

I am aware of the difficulties created for UNFPA by the recent United States decision on funding for this organisation. Our concerns and those of the other EU member states have been reflected in a European Union démarche conveyed to the United States authorities on this subject. Dialogue between the European Union and the US on this matter is continuing.

At the EU Development Council in May 2002, EU member states reaffirmed the importance of the role of UNFPA in reaching the Millennium development goals in the areas of infant, child and maternal mortality and restated the Union's firm commitment to continue to support the fund. The Commission has allocated an additional €20 million to UNFPA.
Ireland is supporting the work of UNFPA in responding to such development challenges as maternal and infant mortality, HIV/AIDS and maternal reproductive health-care. In 2002, Ireland contributed €1.84 million to the UNFPA in support of its work. This represented an increase of over 80% on 2001. In 2003 funding will increase by 38% to €2.54 million, a reflection of the continued importance Ireland attaches to UNFPA's work.
Question No. 88 answered with Question No. 71.